Sales Leadership Series Session 1 – Know Your Audience

TIME: 10:00-11:00am ET / 3:00-4:00pm GMT / 4:00-5:00pm CET
DATES: Dec 13, 2023
FORMAT: Successful Sales Strategies in Audience
HOST: Joseph Coleman, Executive Director, Renewd
MODERATOR: John Hitchcock, Managing Director, Energy Intelligence


Session I (Dec. 13): Know Your Audience
Join David Foster, CEO of Business Valuation Resources, and John Hitchcock, managing director and vice president of Energy Intelligence Group, as they describe the first step toward a successful sales year: learning all you can about what’s new about the market and the individual clients your products serve. There’s no better way to ensure your New Year’s messaging ties your products’ attributes to your clients’ needs. Moderated by John Hitchcock.

• What you thought you knew can hurt you – why keeping up with industry and client news matters
• Got AI? How changes in technology can mean changes in the way clients consume content
• What are they reading? What are they attending?
• What do they need to get key jobs done?


TIME: 10:00-11:00am ET / 3:00-4:00pm GMT / 4:00-5:00pm CET
DATES: Jan 10, 2024
FORMAT: Sales Strategies in Engagement
HOST: Joseph Coleman, Executive Director, Renewd
MODERATOR: John Hitchcock, Managing Director, Energy Intelligence
SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS: Dan Fink, Managing Director of Money-Media, Angela Kornegor, CEO of MedLearn Media



Session II (Jan. 10): Engagement
Dan Fink, managing director of Money-Media, and Angela Kornegor, CEO of MedLearn Media, will share what’s worked – and hasn’t – in grabbing the attention of clients current and future. Technology can play a big role in generating meaningful “touches” with clients. Yet low-tech techniques can also boost visibility in ways that ease renewals and open the path to converting singles into site and enterprise licenses. Moderated by John Hitchcock.

• Making clients aware of content uniqueness and relevance
• Increasing site traffic – not too little, not too late
• Identifying budget champions and influencers
• Knowing what’s important to the person on the other side of the negotiating table


TIME: 10:00-11:00am ET / 3:00-4:00pm GMT / 4:00-5:00pm CET
DATES: Jan 24, 2024
FORMAT: Sales Strategies in Structure
HOST: Joseph Coleman, Executive Director, Renewd
MODERATOR: John Hitchcock, Managing Director, Energy Intelligence
SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS: Sheran Fernando, Chief Operating Officer of Warren Communications, and Stephanie Williford, CEO of EB Medicine


Session III (Jan. 24): Sales Team Structure and Compensation
Sheran Fernando, Chief Operating Officer of Warren Communications, and Stephanie Williford, CEO of EB Medicine, will tackle the thorniest of issues: how to organize, manager and motivate a sales team – whether that “team” is a single staffer working from home or a dozen individuals located in offices across the globe. The best-laid plans (and KPIs) can super-charge performance. But how do you tell what’s “best” from what’s a deflating over-stretch? Moderated by John Hitchcock.

• Setting priorities on markets and products
• Working with other departments – when to encourage, when to discourage
• Lines of communication to and from management
• Base vs variable – Is there more than one “right” ratio?

The event is finished.


Dec 13 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am


10:00 am - 11:00 am

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Dec 13 2023
  • Time: 5:00 am - 6:00 am


Virtual/Online Event



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