Renewd Online Copywriting Bootcamp 2023: How to increase your results from emails, landing pages, and direct mail
Rate $50
February 7, 9, 14, & 16 (Four 2-hour sessions); 10:00am to Noon ET
Tuesday, October 19th, 11am-2pm ET
(First Bootcamp Sold Out–Added Session, 20 Seats Only!)
Dates: October 16, 18, 23, 25 (Four 2-hour sessions); 9-11am PT / 12-2pm ET / 5-7pm BST
Instructor/Facilitator: Jim Sinkinson, veteran publisher and award-winning copywriter
So much of our success depends on the power of our marketing copy to inspire, motivate, and move prospects to action.
Yet chances are, most people in your organization—whether marketers or editors—have never learned the discipline of copywriting. Those who have attended a seminar or two generally have not acquired lasting skills.
It’s also a fact that most marketing departments lack a set of rules and protocols to ensure that all your marketing copy—every subject line, every headline, every subhead, every email, every landing page, every conversion form—adheres to proven copywriting principles.
Ask yourself this: If you don’t have written copywriting rules and principles, how can your people know if their copy is good—if it will actually persuade people to convert or buy?
This 8-hour interactive online copywriting bootcamp will help you correct these deficiencies—and measurably boost your marketing results—in a series of four, 2-hour intensive Zoom sessions.
Best of all, as part of the bootcamp’s “homework,” you’ll work to improve your company’s current marketing projects—emails, landing pages, SM posts—so you’ll start improving your results immediately.
Discover proven techniques for boosting your:
- Email open rates
- Click-through rates
- Conversion rates
- Renewal rates
- Readership of emails, landing pages, and direct mail
- Emotional and rational customer buying appeals
Learn immutable rules for creating:
- Irresistible subject lines
- Compelling headlines
- Engaging email copy
- Enticing landing pages
- Offers that sell
- Forms that convert
Space is Very Limited. Register Now!
Learn From a Veteran Publishing Copywriter and Publisher
Jim Sinkinson is one of the highest-rated speakers at specialized information publishing events. He founded Infocom Group in 1980 and sold it in 2015. The company produced online information services, webinars, books, special reports, and live professional development events. Jim has won numerous awards for his work with other publishers, including two Gold Awards from Newsletter on Newsletters, editorial awards from SIPA, and an Axel award for a personalized marketing package he created for Tom Peters’ On Achieving Excellence. In 2015, Sinkinson received a Gold Award from SIPA for his launch of a conference series. In June, 2001, he was named to the SIPA Hall of Fame as its twenty-first member. He has spoken on specialized information marketing and content at dozens of SIPA events and today, as a publishing consultant, continues to assist publishers worldwide.
100% Money-Back Guarantee:
This workshop is guaranteed to give you a positive ROI. If it doesn’t or you’re unhappy with the workshop for any reason, let us know and we’ll provide a full refund. No questions asked.
REGISTRATION FEE: $449 ($349 for Renewd Premium Members / Renewd Europe Leader Members)
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