Outsourcing for Subscription Businesses: What, When & How?

Join Matthew Robinson of Cognition Solutions, a Renewd Partner Member, as he discusses outsourcing as a genuine strategic partnership and how it can offer opportunities for B2B media enterprises. Matthew was joined by Rupert Collins White, CEO of Burlington Media Group, who shared his own outsourcing journey.


This practical and informative session covered:

> How subscription and community-based companies are creating value through outsourcing
> Reasons to outsource
> The difference between process outsourcing vs. strategic partnerships: transitioning from outsourcing to co-sourcing
> The outsourcing checklist: the must-have tool kit for vendor selection
> Risks and pitfalls to avoid


The link to the slide deck shared can be found here.
The link to the hand checklist of questions to ask when selecting a co-sourcing partner can be found here.


Recorded: September 14, 2023